Codependency ???

Codependency is sometimes a difficult word, difficult to explain and difficult to assess when to let go of a person in danger, especially if that person is your child or grandchild. In my counseling practice I will sometimes hear of how my client has been glibly told to “let go and let God”, a term often used in Al-anon. Until you have walked in the shoes of a parent or grandparent, you have no idea how painful or scary it can be to back out of protecting a child or grandchild.

Just imagine for a moment that your 2 year old granddaughter is living with her parents who are meth addicts. Even if you call CPS there is no guarantee she will be protected or that they will even be caught in the act. Calling is important, but it may not work in protecting her, so do you just let go!?

A second scenario, imagine you are a divorced parent and your ex-spouse is in need of anger management and just happens to drink a little too much every now and then. What do you do to protect your child when they are with them? The answers are not always as simple as “let go and let God”!

Finally, sometimes I think if Jesus were to come back to earth today, they might throw him in a codependency treatment center because He cared too much! Oh, and He was also a martyr. Just thinkin out loud.

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